Friday, December 30, 2005


As you can see Apollo has grown up quite a bit from that baby that was playing tug-of-war with Dancer over the summer. He is still a well mannered little guy who wants nothing more than to be in someone's lap, he's quite the lovable guy.

Speaking of lovable guys, here's one of Apollo with Doug. He really doesn't like dogs (or so he says).

Wilbur's momma dog, Fellin had a litter 2 weeks ago. Goliath is the daddy dog. The babies are huge for 2 weeks!! Aren't they just the cutest little grandpuppies?!

Brandy's little chow/retriever mix had pups too, their daddy was a pit and this little girl, Ittybitty is waiting for a home. She was quite funny chasing Kristopher around the house.

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