Saturday, February 02, 2008

end of an era

Monday night was Doug's last night as Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 119 in Evans, Georgia. He's been either cubmaster or scoutmaster for the last 7 years and is moving into a higher leadership in the council.

It was both a happy and sad occasion for Doug. They did a wonderful job of acknowledging his accomplishments and thanking him for his faithful service to the troop.

This was my reward for putting up with all the campouts, training days, meetings, etc. involved in being a scout widow. I say that laughingly, although there were times when I felt very lonely being down south with no family and friends whilst the guys went off on their fun weekends. It did however teach me to rely on God, make new friends, find a hobby or two or three....and for security I got Wilbur and Charlotte to keep me company and keep me safe on the weekends the guys were in the woods.
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