Wednesday, January 16, 2008

2008 Art Goals

I've been spending quite a bit of time lately perusing other blogs to see what others are up to. A lot of them have posted goals for the year 2008 and it inspired me to do the same. I am not a 'resolution' type of person but I do have a room full of fabric, yarn, and other assorted paraphernalia for art endeavors that needs to be used. So, that being said, I am making a list. Keep in mind that I may change this list, add or delete items on it at a whim if I so desire because that's just the way I am. I don't really want to be locked into a list but I also find them inspiring and it's always fun to mark things off of the list once they are done (assuming that I will follow list in the first place).

1. Use up fabric in stash so I can justify buying more fabric later.

2. Use up yarn in stash so I can justify buying more yarn.

3. Finish UFO's.

4. Make a beaded watch band to replace the cheesy WalMart one that turns colors.

5. Work on quilt tops for Romanian Mission.

6. Block the 2 shawls that I knitted last year and blog them. (Dilemna, the one has magically disappeared...argh).

7. Move sewing room upstairs into the larger room with a minimal amount of fussing and complaining and injury.

8. Sort through stuff and make executive decisions on what art supplies are not needed or going to be used and get rid of them...hoarding is a bad thing.

9. Start and finish one Christmas project per month at a minimum.

10. Have fun. Art should not be a depressing drama but fun and inspiring and exciting.

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