Saturday, September 13, 2008

Really Cool Cooking Site

I've found a wonderful cooking site with absolutely delightful recipes on it called the Smitten Kitchen. Step by step photos are included and the photography is great too. Unfortunately I don't know how I found it but I'm sure it was linked through one of the knit/ravelry/dog sites I peruse on a daily basis. The first of her recipes I tried was the one for her slow-roasted tomatoes and as she said they were to die for good! The second recipe was for her rosemary flat bread which even the kids liked. Tonight I'm going to try her white bean stew and I'll make some flat bread to go with it. If you enjoy cooking without going to a tremendous amount of time or trouble and like trying new things this is the site for you. If you also like vegetarian recipes she has a lot of those too and most of the meat recipes could be altered. The basis is for a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in season along with a lot of comfort food recipes. Check her out, you won't be sorry!!

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