Sunday, May 14, 2006

Wednesday Playday

Since Margaret, Ille, Judy & Sue are so ahead of us on our tome projects, BettyAnn, Rachael & I met on Wednesday to play catchup. We spent the day painting our mermaid pages....Lumiere's and Neopaque's received testing that day! Rachael enjoys mixing her own colors as did BettyAnn, I'd just assume water them down and have the colors premixed in a bottle...

Rachael all decked out in her painting attire....

BettyAnn and Rachael diligently painting their mermaids.

We did alter our mermaids a bit...we pulled their pants up to cover their hineys...We aren't prudes by any means but really felt there was a tad bit too much mermaid showing for our comfort levels....

closeup of the mermaids....

Rachael's, who she painted just as the pattern showed. Rach has such a steady hand and patience for painting and drawing....

BettyAnn's, who used her colors on her mermaid....

mine, done in a watery color instead of opaque....

Charlotte & Wilbur want to paint too...

I did let them in for a little while so they could show off and have their heads patted and not feel left out....

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