the johnny jump-ups, one of my favorites popped up in the middle of the garden...which is much better than in the yard where they usually show up!!

This tall beauty, with its Queen Anne Lace style flowers, is what the tubers were in my back yard. It is stationed between our fence and neighbors...it used to be a walkway for the neighboring kids until the overgrowth became so large.

This little guy was posing for me...yes, i said posing. He was tilting his head and looking at me and do declare I even think he winked once or twice while he was at it! He is on the pole to the butterfly house so I'm assuming that the anoles are living in there still.

The little fern was a complete surprise to find under the azalea bush. As you can probably tell, I only rake once a year in the springtime...during the winter we call the leaves protection and if you leave it long enough eventually we can call it compost.

The pond is in dire need of cleaning out..a task that I only do every other year. I say I, what I mean is that it is me who is in the pond while the guys are outside of the pond catching baby fish that get dumped out accidently. That is their job, that and dragging the hose back across the yard to refill. It has a waterfall but the stupid thing continually leaks so I haven't used it in 2 years. What the pond needs is for the structure to be made permanent (the original owners left one side so it could be enlarged later if desired...my hubby or me digging that deep with a picax in georgia clay...i don't think so!!). I just haven't gotten my 'want to' in gear to tackle the process but I really should...later...much later.

It's looking like the gardenias are all going to flourish this year...the low growing bushes are full of buds!! I just love their fragrance and with the jasmine blooming, I should have a delightfully stinky yard this year!!!

The butterfly weed is one of my favorite plants and is full of buds, i just love the bright orange of its flowers and the butterflies simply adore it. I wish it would reseed itself but think that this year I will help it along and plant the seeds, when it comes time into one of the window boxes on the deck. Then if all goes well, I will be able to transplant them into one of the garden beds that Wilbur has been into.

The purple groundcover, which is similar to lantana is another that I have to look up the name. It wasn't that long ago I could remember all the names of the plants I have...'of all the things i've loved and lost i think i miss my mind the most'....

The transplanted crepe myrtle into the perfect spot in the deck garden.

Along with the hydrangea from Rachael and a small lily of some type I received from our gala guild event.

Other backyard visitors include the mockingbirds..this particular guy was doing an awful lot of digging and flitting so it was hard to get a good picture of him...He and his mate were digging for worms...that would have been a great picture...but alas, i did not get it.

The little squirrel had no idea I was outside until at this moment when he realized 'i am not alone'...see the terror in his poor little eyes? He didn't know quite what to do.

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