The first weekend in March, eight of us from the quilt guild headed to Edisto Island and the Charleston Quilt Show.
Margaret had a couple of quilts in there as well as the birthday quilt we made for Rachel W's ** birthday this past year.
Of course a trip to Edisto MUST be proceeded, followed and interspersed with trips to PPQ (People, Places & Quilts) both in Summerville and Charleston and at the quilt show too!!
Across the street from the Summerville PPQ is a shop which sells donated items that are new and the proceeds go to the local child advocacy program.

I was very good and didn't spend lots of money on fabric *grin*.

My big purchase was the darling angel made from an old quilt...ain't she a sweetie?

I also was compelled to buy the diva pattern because it came with a diva pin...

I just love the street with the 'Charleston Houses' on it and just had to have this picture of them...

Margaret gave me a postcard of Mt. St. Helen's which erupted for the first time on my 21st birthday....how many of you know when that was?!?!

Another of our adventures was antiquing while we were in Charleston; although we didn't find any priceless treasures we did however stop at the local Goodwill Store and did some treasure seeking there...

I found buttons, an old pattern which i will use as ephemera in my mixed media and beeswax projects, some lace, rickrack and flower trims and a special little rose basket to boot. Margaret came out with a butt ton of wool to felt.
One of my quilt show finds was this pack of pastel threads for crazy quilting.

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