Tonight was a big night for my favorite boy scout, my husband, Doug. At the Georgia-Carolina Council Banquet, he received the Silver Beaver Award for service. His friend and fellow scouter, John Garcia, presented him with the award.

Established in 1931, the Silver Beaver Award is presented for distinguished service to young people within a BSA local council. As with the Silver Antelope, a recipient must be a registered adult member of the BSA. Silver Beaver Awards are presented on the basis of the number of units in a council.

Anyway, I'm proud of him for his achievements in scouting...of course this is a good day and I'm not complaining about all the time, evenings and weekends, not to mention weeks in the summer when he is gone off on some scouting adventure or another....I am one among many scouting widows...lol...okay so at least I'm laughing today, it is not always this way rest assured!!!!
His Silver Beaver came in a nice velvet box with a scouting insignignia pin, knot to be added to his uniform as well as the silver beaver himself on ribbon...looks a lot like the awards given to the olympic medal winners but a lot cooler!!!

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