I cannot believe it has been a whole week since I've last blogged! Well I've had requests for an update on the Spunkster so I'm letting everyone know that he is recupperating just fine with a few hitches.
Hitch #1: We now have a seperate litterbox downstairs (in my sewing room...argh!!). Spunky seems to have developed an aversion to using the old litterbox (possibly remembering the pain from his stoppage) and using the floor and any room available....YUCK!!
Hitch #2: He hates and I do mean HATES the dry special diet cat food...won't touch it...nope not at all. Soooooo, he is now eating special diet canned cat food and LOVING IT!!!
Hitch #3: He is taking liquid antibiotic because NO ONE (not even the vet) can get a pill down his throat.So, twice a day I get to wrestle the little bugger and squirt a dropper full of kitty amoxocillin down his throat...what fun...NOT!!

Personally I think the psychotic animal is just a brat and working us (namely me) over to get his own way....that's my position and I'm sticking to it.
Other than that he's doing fine and running his kingdom as usual...he's even back to beating Charlotte on the head so you know he's feeling better.
Okay, the pictures here may seem as if the Spunky cat is crowded...believe me, he prefers crowded to the alternative of the puppies eating his food. Which believe me, they will given any and every opportunity made available. This way there is too much stuff in their way to get at his food and he gets to eat in peace....well as much peace as there can be with 2 pitbulls in the house.
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