Warm weather is here in the south along with the pollen and longer days however, all is not right in everyones world....namely Spunky's world.
The poor little guy had a build up of 'sludge' in his bladder and got completely stopped up. On Monday off to Evans Veterinary Hospital to see Dr. Roseberry we went.
Spunky does not like doctors or car rides or people or much of anything to be completely honest. He is the exact opposite of the puppies who want to love on everyone...Spunky would just assoon bite you.
The highlight of his stay was that he did not have to deal with the dogs. He did however have to be knocked out and catheterized and stuck with the needle to give him fluids (hence the shaved neck) and wear the goofy hat (wish i had a picture of that).

Fortunately he decided to sit in the floorboard for the truck ride home. He was finally 'chatting' with me by the time we were almost home.
His walking abilities were a little wobbly but I guess that is to be expected since he's been laying on his butt for the last few days feeling completely 'puny'.
He came home demanding to be fed, and not real pleased with the diet the vet sent home with him...so i mixed a tiny bit of his old food with it and put a cat treat on the top...which seemed to work.
He promptly found the love seat in the sewing room and has been parked on it ever since.

Oh and he made sure he gave the expected hissing greeting to the puppies so as far as they are concerned, all is well in the world and home is now back to normal since everyone is where they belong.....
If Spunky could see himself from behind he would be oh so embarrassed!!

You and Spunky in particular have my sympathy.Our Jesse has been there,done that,and eventually ended up having to have an Urethectomy some 8 years back.Luckily he's a pretty cool dude and takes it in his stride.He's our multi $ cat!
Hope Spunky recovers from it all.
No updattes for a week,so I have to ask....how's Spunky?
Loved your Mt St Helen PC........May 1980 wasn't it??
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