Timothy (another one thrilled to have his picture taken)
One of the saddest parts of living so far away is that I miss all the birthdays so.....when I make my trip up in May/June we try to celebrate as many as possible.
This time Timothy wound up working on Memorial Day so he and Teresa, along with my sister, Misty & her hubby, Eric (with a C - brother Erik is with a K) and Kylie came to Mom & Dad's on Sunday.

Teresa & Kylie
This was the same day that Mom remembered that Timothy really liked Tiramisu (he is NOT a cake eater at all and not crazy about sweets in general).
So picture this, Sunday morning trying to find Tiramisu. Okay, no big deal, 'hah' she says, if my son likes Tiramisu, I shall find Tiramisu.
So, off to the Food Lion where Mom has seen it before. I peruse the bakery in case they might have it fresh, I scour the frozen compartments where there is no T to be found....I even go through the other frozen sections in case someone mislaid a T. Nope. Nada. Nothing.

So off to the Safeway I traipse. I've still got plenty of time before Timothy and Teresa show up. Into the bakery where I find nothing even remotely close. Into the frozen foods section where you would think I was looking for gold....zippo....zilch....squat....
Not to be thwarted in my pursuit of the desired Tiramisu I drive back towards Mom's on the other side of the highway, the Agony (ACME) as my desired target for the Tiramisu....when what should appear before me????? but a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Shop!!

Mom & Dad
BR does ice cream cakes....maybe, just maybe they have the illustrious Tiramisu. Inside I go, where I might add, at least half of Kent Island had decided to go....I looked at the cake box...no Tiramisu there. Feeling a sense of doom about to light I looked over at the ice cream counter where, could it be? am I seeing things? but alas, no, it is there!!!....Tiramisu Ice Cream with Tiramisu Cake in it!!! Hallelujiah!!!!!

At this point I was verging on ecstatic. The young girl behind the counter hand packed me a pint of the delicacy. I felt so triumphant!! My tenacity had paid off and I had the cake/ice cream my son was going to love (maybe love is too strong, but he really doesn't like cake).
Go figure, when it was time to eat he only wanted a little oh, and he wanted some plain cheesecake to go with....boys!!
Kylie had seen the cupcakes for Sierra's party the next day (her family couldn't make it on Sunday) and who expects small children to like cheesecake or tiramisu ice cream either...besides there was a righteous plenty of them anyway....

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