Joseph has really grown up. I can still remember when he was a baby and i was teaching him to blow raspberries!!

Louis is going to be the driver in the family...he's already driven a hoopty coup into a tree and fence.

Melissa is a real girlie girl and always has been. She even called Auntie Kim the night before she went home to wish her a safe trip.

Jennifer is a girlie girl too and loves the color red.

Jimmy James is the youngest Hoot. He is also the quietest of the bunch. He is a real sweetie and hangs out a lot with his cousin, Kylie.

Holly, another lover of having her picture taken(fortunately she wasn't paying attention to me at the time)....finds a lady bug and gives it to James to 'hold'.

And this is baby brother, Erik...he often has a confused look on his's his way of keeping people from asking him questions and it works...however he really is quite bright and really does know what's going on.

Joseph in birthday gear.

Kylie likes Jennifer's bathing suit top.

Melissa chills out.

Meemaw and Louis.

Mom and Erik.

Melissa and daddy.

Melissa and Pop. Isn't it amazing what grown men will do when a little girl asks them to wear a birthday hat AND have their picture taken!!

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