Well, getting the books started. All the cutting, sewing (yes sewing, by hand mind you) and glueing.

Then we rubberbanded the books together until we got back together today to work on them again.

More glueing today and rubberbanding the book together. Then we were able to start working on the inset pages. We formed little pockets and all decided to do ours on a slant. We stamped inside and outside of the little pockets after rubbing stamp pad along the edges especially the ones we cut with Rachael's fancy scissors.

My book is going to be a gardening one especially with all the gardening I've been doing lately. I snitched this idea from Rachael who was doing a gardening theme also as is I do believe BettyAnn. I started watercolor pencilling in on some of the pages this evening but didn't get them photographed yet. These are some of my pocket pages in their stamped phase.

1 comment:
I really enjoyed reading this and seeing what all we had done! Your pictures are great.
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