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I could not believe how long it has been since I last blogged!! Believe me it wasn't because I was at a loss for my family (and most friends) will attest to. No it was a much simpler camera broke and I was too depressed to blog the pictures I did have
...actually the truth is that I have been too stinkin busy to really have time.....and the camera broke (really). Our quilt guild made their annual trek to Hickory Knob State Park in McCormick, SC.
It's not too far from home but far enough that the cellphones are sporadic at best (except for those Verizon members...gotta love them in an emergency). Thankfully some of us haven't upgraded to them (like me)....lots o more peace and quiet that way...heehee!! Doug and the boys are not crazy about HK...they say it is a 'girly girl' camp...if that means that there are cabins with real beds, kitchens, dining room table, living room with tv and huge window view, indoor bathroom with shower and tub....DARN RIGHT it is!!!
AND we are grateful for it thank you very much!!! Is it not enough we clean up after their messes, etc. we should have a girly girl camp to go's a break from the normal stuff we have to do....we share dish & kitchen clean-up, food prep, everyone cleans up after know, all the stuff you DON'T get at home....yep, a 'girly girl' camp is the ticket for me and for my cohorts. I've even included a picture here of one of the cats at camp...just like home.....
Here are some pictures of the wonderful view from the rooms we were sewing in...2 big rooms lined with tables, sewing machines, cutting mats and a butt ton of fabrics. Women in complete frenzy of sewing, cutting and ironing and trying on for those who were making sweatshirt jackets. All in all I managed to finish binding 2 of the Christmas quilts for next year (yeah, I'm just so on top of things here...heehee), a wall hanging that I just finished handsewing the binding on at bee tonight,
Punky Doodle Corners -
a Primitive Pieces by Lynda design and the pieced back from leftovers to match. I was so excited that I managed to finish the punky doodles that I spent this past weekend whipping out the quilt made from Christmas fabrics I got at Jeff's Sewing & Vacuum for 1/2 price...I just love a deal!!
The best part is that they don't really look like Christmas fabrics either except for the back which is holly leaves to match.
This is going to be my official Hickory Knob quilt (all the girls have one that they take and put on their beds).I hope this will be a trend to start and finish as many quilts as possible (preferably from my stash) this mom has reminded me that she doesn't have a quilt of her own...Actually the little wall hanging is a quilt mom! And she has other things I've made for her...but for some reason, even at my age, mom guilt works....will it never end?!?!? pictures of the quilts are compliments of Margaret, she has loaned me her old camera to take the pics with....I am officially saved....thought I would just curl up and die without my digital....thank you Scalett for saving me!!!!