Charlotte developed it after watching Wilbur but fortunately isn't as disgusting about it.
Wilbur will watch you blow your nose waiting for you to put the kleenex down so he can pounce on it...disgusting!!
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My girls just want cardboard and food trash. Can't help ya.
I'm just getting over a cold and I've been fighting the shredded Kleenex thing for days. I think I have secreted them in places not accessible to dogs only to come in and see what was one now in thousands of nano parts. And I can't figure out which of my four ninja dogs is doing it...
Thankfully, Thor stays out of the trash. A previous Mastiff would take it apart if I didn't empty it before bed. It just drove me nuts, so I sympathize!
Thankfully mine stay out of the trashcans. My one cat licks the walmart bags that I put in the small cans...weird cat!
Wilbur and Zeus would get along so well... he loves to steal tissues!
But look at those innocent faces.
PWDs all love paper of any kind.
Ya know, my Dolby does the EXACT same thing with the used kleenex (or TP, or papertowels, or note paper, you get the picture)..Hey, if you DO find out the cause and cure, please pass it MY way!!
Have a great weekend ahead!
I don't know why they like to do gross things sometimes. We have a garbage can with a step-lid thing in the bathrooms, so as long as they're not full we don't have a problem with that...but the bedroom garbage sometimes has kleenex or toilet paper in it from nose-blowing and sometimes we'll find it shredded later on. Luckily he doesn't do that often. The latest problem is a recurring one; he is once again getting into the cat litter box. Yuck.
That is so funny! Charli gets into the trash any time she can figure out a way to do it. And then they do have those totally inocent faces like they are thinking "who me?"
LOLOLOL, too funny! I have to tell you though all are kleenex box's are up on high and the garbage can is in the cellar way behind closed doors. I think Honey and Sampson attack kleenex because that is what I have always cleaned their ears with or their eye boggers with, so that is how they get their revenge!
Happy DOT's!
Nice...mine will get in the trash if they can! :)
Hey, it could always be worse, kleenex aren't that bad in the scheme of things. We had a shih tzu who used to go after used femine hygene products. UGGH. Now THAT was disgusting!
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