Imagine his/her dismay when once inside it was being barked at by Wilbur and try as hard as it may it could not get the great big window to let it get back outside to the trees it could see in the front of the house.

Poor little bird, who was only about 4 inches long and looked like a baby wren, flew from the large encased window over the doorway to the chandelier hanging in the foyer.
Douglas fetched the ladder, the cat and dogs were enclosed in seperate rooms and I climbed the ladder to try and capture the little lost wren. It flitted through the curtains and the model boat, landing on the curtain rod, grasping the window sill and getting nowhere.

It finally flew down the hall, scaring Michael as he hit the deck and landed in the computer room. Douglas shut the door and helped locate the frightened critter who was trying to get out the shut windows there. When I went to open the window the poor thing flew under the computer desk and hu

I finally shooed it back to the window where it finally flew out and into the huge magnolia at the next door neighbors. Hopefully it is none the worse for wear after its little adventure and it will have quite the tale to tell its little feathered friends tonite!!
OMG had one fo those on the back porch the other day with two cats after it..poor little wren...she escaped I think..bytw Jazz said I have to play ball with her now and to say HI To her favorite aunty...
Hey - I've tagged you. See my blog.
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