Oh, did I mention that this is her 'Disney souvenir' since her hubby had come home for leave from Iraq. He's been gone 2 years except for the Disney trip *snicker snort* so she has received more than her share of 'looks' from neighbors who didn't know he was home for 2 weeks. He is home and the baby still isn't here (I do believe he is going to be like my youngest who finally came when he got round-to-it) but thankfully her hubby has gotten back and will be here for the delivery. Maybe he will be a Fathers Day baby since her first was born on Mothers Day. :)
Best of wishes to Bridgette, John, boys & baby?
Kristine puts the final touches on the baby carriage.
Shelley & Carrie doing prep work
this is why we let Robin do games :)
waiting for Bridge
Robin takes charge 'and let the games begin'
Evie, willing victim (uh, i mean participant)
Laura looks thrilled with that one *heh heh*
Sheryl is REALLY enjoying this game *snort*
and then the camera died which is why i have no pics of her opening up her gifts :(
and the picture that made me run out and get my hair cut because it looks so awful of me:
Penny, Leila, me, Sherl (back)
Donna, Marshea (front)